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About Aubrey & Evan
Aubrey and Evan are a real-life brother and sister who live in Parkland, Florida. Their mom, Jennifer Bauer, an EMMY award winning former News Reporter, wrote these two stories based on actual experiences.
"Aubrey, Evan and the Hurricane" was written after the family was forced to evacuate their home during Hurricane Irma in 2017.
"Aubrey, Evan and the School Safety Drill" was written following the 2018 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, where the Aubrey and Evan will one day attend.
In both cases, Bauer was searching for children's books to help have difficult, but necessary, conversations with her young kids. When she couldn't find them, she wrote them.
Each story is designed to help parents take the first step toward having these very necessary conversations while easing any anxieties their children may have. Both books are perfect for children ages 4-10.
Play the video below to meet Aubrey, Evan and author Jennifer Bauer!

This is the perfect book to help remove the anxiety around lockdown drills. The author takes the kids through how the procedure works and why it’s necessary without causing undue alarm. It’s an important book for kids navigating the new normal in education. I highly recommend it for all young kids in a school setting.
I loved the way the children feel safe and protected!
Leota Queen
-Aubrey, Evan and the Hurricane
Saw the author on our local news in Orlando and decided to order the book. I loved the sweet message and my kids loved the illustrations. Great, helpful book. A “must have” for anyone living in a hurricane-prone area.
-Aubrey, Evan and the Hurricane
-Aubrey, Evan and the School Safety Drill